I'm. So. Excited. It's Thanksgiving tomorrow. I have lots to do. And lots to eat. My kitchen is about to explode. I have a few precious moments to spare, dear readers, so here I am. I'm sitting on the very edge of this chair as I'm typing, back ramrod straight, which is a clear sign of how pumped I am. My brain is a scattered mess. All I know is that I have the next few minutes to finish this post, then I must watch the new Top Chef episode because it would be sacrilegious to miss it. I wonder if I can say "Top Chef" when asked tomorrow about "things I'm thankful for"?! Erm, I suppose not.
Hah, I was just kidding about all the stuff I have to do for tomorrow. Listen to this. I've rather conveniently gotten myself invited to Thanksgiving at a relative's place tomorrow, so all DH and I have to do is show up. On time (tougher than you think, since we have to drive about 2-3 hours to get there). I'm so giddy with relief that I could skip and hum all the way there. So really, my entire prep for this holiday is getting my stomach ready to ingest copious amounts of delicious goodies - something I've become quite the expert on. But I'm not completely shameless, folks. P-Dub has taught me a thing or two, after all. So I think I'll make Ree's amazing acorn squash recipe, which I can warm up in the hostess' oven before the meal. I did a trial run on these, and look at the golden deliciousness that ensued.

Sweet-Roasted Rosemary Acorn Squash (adapted from Ree's recipe)
Serves 2-3
Click here for printable recipe
1 acorn squash
1-2 tbsp olive oil
Half stick of butter, at room temp
1/4 cup brown sugar
1 tbsp fresh rosemary or 1 tsp dried rosemary
Salt to taste
1. Preheat oven to 350 F.
2. Cut your squash in half, then into wedges. Place them in a baking dish, skin side down. Splash the olive oil over them and place in the oven for 15 mins.
This shot's for you Ree, because I *heart* Pioneer Woman ... erm, but not in a psycho-stalker kind of way, of course. I should've taken that knife out of the shot, shouldn't I? Shoot.
3. Combine butter, brown sugar, salt and rosemary in a bowl and mix into a paste.
4. Remove squash from oven and generously schmear all of the butter mixture over the wedges, then put them back in the oven for 30 mins.
5. Halfway through the roasting process, your butter paste will have become a sweet sauce. Brush this sauce over the squash wedges then continue roasting till time is complete.
6. Serve in the baking dish, drizzling more sauce in the end. And if you happen to lick the spoon after, you are perfectly within your rights, so don't let anyone else tell you otherwise!
Verdict: Roasted squash has got to be nature's vegetable candy. And baking it with butter and brown sugar just takes it over the top. I can't get over how great these turned out. Tender and glossy, with strong butterscotch notes all over. Even DH was ooing and ahhing over this. I can see myself pairing this would many other dishes, like chicken or lasagna - or a mid-afternoon snack, perhaps?!
This is my contribution to the Thanksgiving round-up over at Foodie Fans of The Pioneer Woman, hosted by myself and Debby of A Feast For The Eyes. What're you waiting for? You should join in the fun! See you at the round-up on Nov 30th.
Hah, I was just kidding about all the stuff I have to do for tomorrow. Listen to this. I've rather conveniently gotten myself invited to Thanksgiving at a relative's place tomorrow, so all DH and I have to do is show up. On time (tougher than you think, since we have to drive about 2-3 hours to get there). I'm so giddy with relief that I could skip and hum all the way there. So really, my entire prep for this holiday is getting my stomach ready to ingest copious amounts of delicious goodies - something I've become quite the expert on. But I'm not completely shameless, folks. P-Dub has taught me a thing or two, after all. So I think I'll make Ree's amazing acorn squash recipe, which I can warm up in the hostess' oven before the meal. I did a trial run on these, and look at the golden deliciousness that ensued.
Sweet-Roasted Rosemary Acorn Squash (adapted from Ree's recipe)
Serves 2-3
Click here for printable recipe
1 acorn squash
1-2 tbsp olive oil
Half stick of butter, at room temp
1/4 cup brown sugar
1 tbsp fresh rosemary or 1 tsp dried rosemary
Salt to taste
1. Preheat oven to 350 F.
2. Cut your squash in half, then into wedges. Place them in a baking dish, skin side down. Splash the olive oil over them and place in the oven for 15 mins.
3. Combine butter, brown sugar, salt and rosemary in a bowl and mix into a paste.
4. Remove squash from oven and generously schmear all of the butter mixture over the wedges, then put them back in the oven for 30 mins.
6. Serve in the baking dish, drizzling more sauce in the end. And if you happen to lick the spoon after, you are perfectly within your rights, so don't let anyone else tell you otherwise!
Verdict: Roasted squash has got to be nature's vegetable candy. And baking it with butter and brown sugar just takes it over the top. I can't get over how great these turned out. Tender and glossy, with strong butterscotch notes all over. Even DH was ooing and ahhing over this. I can see myself pairing this would many other dishes, like chicken or lasagna - or a mid-afternoon snack, perhaps?!
Have a fantabulous Thanksgiving my lovely readers!