I'm so overwhelmed and touched by all your kind words, dear readers! It must be all your good wishes that have left me with a smidgen of sanity these past few days. I'll never forget your support ladies, and am so grateful for it. As of two days ago, I officially became a Connecticutan ... erm, Connecticuter? ... hmmm, maybe I'll just stick with New Englander for now. Ok, so about the actual move, I won't lie to you; things got pretty hairy. It'll have to be a tale for another time though, because I think if I repeat it so soon after the fact, I might suffer from an aneurysm. I managed to get through the packing, and am smack in the middle of unpacking - which, as some of you so wisely pointed out, is not any easier. For one thing, I've never seen my ankles so swollen. Not the most attractive look for me.
The kitchen in the new apartment is slightly bigger than a closet, but at least has a window where I get pretty decent light throughout the day. I haven't cooked anything in it yet (unless you count boiling eggs), and my fridge is a barren wasteland. So right now I can only reminisce about the nummy apricot treats that I was gorging on while I was still in NY.
In my previous post I mentioned that the apricot jam/compote I made was the key ingredient in a new grilled cheese sandwich I was feasting on? Well here's what I meant. Warning: Proceed with caution, especially if your knees go weak at the sight of melty, cheesy, toasty goodness.
Serves 1
Click here for printable recipe
2 slices sturdy rye bread
Homemade apricot compote
Sharp cheddar cheese, sliced 1/8 inch thick
Smoked Gouda cheese, sliced 1/8 inch thick
2 tbsp Butter
1. Melt 1 tbsp of butter in a non-stick pan over med-low heat. Spread a layer of the apricot compote onto one slice of the bread. Cover with one layer of the smoked gouda, then another layer of sharp cheddar. Cap it off with the second slice of bread.
2. Lay it in the pan, and press down for 3-4 mins with a panini press, or just use a small heavy-bottomed saucepan. Turn up the heat a little to make sure the bread is crisped well on the outside.
3. Add the remaining butter and flip the sandwich over to toast on the other side, for another 2-3 mins. Then take it out, devour in under 5 mins, and go back to the kitchen to make another one. Don't deny yourself this precious gem, folks.

Verdict: I made this sandwich for my lunch for 3 days in a row, till the apricot compote was all gone. The smoked gouda isn't the best melting cheese, but the flavor it adds to this divine concoction is surprisingly fabulous. Plus, the cheddar melts beautifully anyway. The apricot compote, with hints of cinnamon, has just the right amount of sweetness to compliment the savoury cheeses. And really, who can turn down a perfect grilled cheese sandwich, with its mix of crunch and ooze?!
If you prefer to enjoy your apricots in a purer form, then maybe you'll go for the breakfast concoction I cooked up the other day. I simply sauteed a sliced apricot in a bit of butter and brown sugar, then topped off my oatmeal with it. I still prefer peaches for something like this, but it does cheer up a body to see that burst of sunset orange in your bowl first thing in the morning.
3. Add the remaining butter and flip the sandwich over to toast on the other side, for another 2-3 mins. Then take it out, devour in under 5 mins, and go back to the kitchen to make another one. Don't deny yourself this precious gem, folks.
Verdict: I made this sandwich for my lunch for 3 days in a row, till the apricot compote was all gone. The smoked gouda isn't the best melting cheese, but the flavor it adds to this divine concoction is surprisingly fabulous. Plus, the cheddar melts beautifully anyway. The apricot compote, with hints of cinnamon, has just the right amount of sweetness to compliment the savoury cheeses. And really, who can turn down a perfect grilled cheese sandwich, with its mix of crunch and ooze?!
I'm really excited to send in a shot of these grilled cheese morsels to Jugalbandi's monthly food photography contest, CLICK: Stacks. Trust me, I have no delusions of winning any photo contests anytime soon, but it's fun to take part in something like this.
If you prefer to enjoy your apricots in a purer form, then maybe you'll go for the breakfast concoction I cooked up the other day. I simply sauteed a sliced apricot in a bit of butter and brown sugar, then topped off my oatmeal with it. I still prefer peaches for something like this, but it does cheer up a body to see that burst of sunset orange in your bowl first thing in the morning.